[This is a roundup of news articles and other materials circulating on the Arabian Peninsula and reflects a wide variety of opinions. It does not reflect the views of the Arabian Peninsula Page Editors or of Jadaliyya. You may send your own recommendations for inclusion in each week`s roundup to ap@jadaliyya.com by Monday night of every week.]
"Bahrain protest leaders appear in court for retrial," a Reuters article on the trial of thirteen Bahraini protest leaders that was adjourned because two defendants were too ill to attend.
"Kuwait finance minister under fire, faces grilling," Kuwaiti opposition MPs filed two requests to investigate Finance Minister Mustafa Al-Shamali over allegations of financial and administrative violations.
"UAE squeezes Islamist group on Arab Spring fringe," an article on the arrest of member of the populist Emirati al-Islah and how the UAE government is trying to crush the Islamist movement.
"Bahrain: Authorities Facing Human Rights Defenders Aggressively," an article on the mistreatment of Bahraini activists.
"Tawakkul Karman: `He uses al-Qaeda," an interview with Mohammed Basindawa, the prime Minister of the new government in Yemen, and Tawakkul Karman, Nobel Peace Prize winner, on the struggle over power in Yemen on Al-Jazeera English.
"Robert Fisk: Arab Spring has washed the region`s appalling racism out of the news," an article on the mistreatment of migrant workers in Arab countries, by Robert Fisk in The Independent.
"`Al-Qaeda` gunmen kill 32 soldiers in Yemen," a news report on the latest attack by al-Qaeda in southern Yemen in retaliation to the killing of the Yemeni member of al-Qaeda who attacked USS Cole in 2000.
"Saudi Liberals Take to The Web," an article on a group of Saudi liberals` initiative to commemorate "Saudi Liberalism Day" on 7 May, 2012.
"Egyptian Delegation in Saudi Arabia," an article on the latest visit of an Egyptian delegation to Saudi Arabia, As`ad AbuKhalil on Al-Akhbar English.
"Accompanying a volunteer medic to Boori Village," an interview with a Bahraini medic, who voluntarily treats injured protesters.
"Radio Times poll provokes online battle for Baftas," an article on the high votes for Al-Jazeera`s Bahrain: "Shouting in the Dark" after the attacks on the documentary, by Vanessa Thorpe in The Observer.
"The Brotherhood goes to Saudi," an informed article on the rapprochement between the Saudi regime and the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt, by Sultan al-Qassemi on Egypt Independent.
"`Al-Qaeda members` killed in Yemen airstrike," a news report on the death of two Yemeni members of al-Qaeda, one of whom carried the attack on USS Cole in 2000, on Al-Jazeera English.
"Bahrain: The stories that aren`t being covered," an informative article on the Bahraini activists by Anonymous activist on Al-Jazeera English.
"Boycotting Israel in Kuwait: The Long Way Back," an article on the resurgence of the Boycott, Divestment, and Sanctions in Kuwait.
"Maryam Al-Khawaja speaks to Al-Jazeera," an interview with Maryam Al-Khawaja on reform steps in Bahrain, on Al-Jazeera.
"BAHRAIN`S BLOODY STALEMATE," analysis of the implications of the protests in Bahrain, by Jess Hill in The Global Mail.
"Al Jazeera responds to "hate tweets" surrounding Radio Times Bafta poll," an article on the reactions to the nomination of Al-Jazeera`s "Bahrain: Shouting in the Dark" for the 2012 Bafta award.
"Propaganda continues: Kuwait asks Baghdad to issue passports for 42,000 bedoon," Kuwaiti authority asks Iraqi Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki to issue Iraqi citizenship to its stateless citizens, the Bedoon.
"Kuwait accuses Bedoon protesters of `criminal acts,`" a news piece on the criminalization of protests by the stateless Bedoon in Kuwait.
"Gulf Disunion," analysis of the upcoming meeting of the Gulf Cooperation Council states and the conflicts among these states, by David Roberts in Foreign Policy.
"Saudi Arabia warns Iran over Gulf islands, Bahrain," a news report on the latest warning issued by Saudi Arabia to Iran after President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad`s visit to Abu Musa.
"Time to remember Yemen`s forgotten workers," an article on street cleaners in Yemen by Atiaf al-Wazir.
"Construction near historical sites needs SCTA`s approval," an article on Minister of Municipal and Rural Affairs Prince Mansour bin Miteb`s new directive for companies after the demolition of a historical site in Al-Kaeebah.
In Arabic:
شهيرة سلوم: ليبراليون سعوديون يتحدون التيار الديني الاثنين
Shahira Salloum on Saudi liberals commemorating "Saudi Liberalism Day" on Monday 7 May 2012.
اليمن: هادي يستعد لتشكل لجنة الحوار
A news report on the Yemeni President`s measures to form a committee of dialogue.
رنا ممدوح: الخلافات المصرية السعودية: "سحابة صيف" عدت؟
Rana Mamdouh analyzes Egypt-Saudi Arabia relations.
العلاقات المصرية-السعودية: مصالحة رسمية... وانتقادات شعبية
A news report on the latest positive developments in Egypt-Saudi Arabia relations.
فادي الزين: المعارضة تسعى إلى نظام برلماني كامل
Fadi Al-Zain reflects on the opposition in Kuwait.
منى صفوان: لماذا يعزل الخليج نفسه؟
Muna Safwan writes on the isolationist policy adopted by governments in the Gulf.
رشا ابي حيدر: محامي عبد الهادي الخواجة ل"السفير": السلطات البحرينية تماطل والمعتدون يفلتون من العقاب
Rasha Abi Haidar conducts an interview with the lawyer of the Bahraini activist Abdulhadi al-Khawaja.
البحرين: مواجهات الدراز في "إن ربك بالمرصاد"
A video clip on the clashes in Duraz by the Duraz Youth Movement in Bahrain.
شعار الأمن أولاً للأمير نايف بن عبد العزيز فرض نفسه على الإيقاع الخليجي
An article on the shift in Saudi strategies toward Jordan and Egypt due to the increasing powers of Crown Prince Nayef bin Abudlazziz, by Bassam al-Badareen in al-Quds Newspaper.
شهيرة سلوم: البحرين: إعادة محاكمة "خلية قلب النظام"
Shahira Salloum assesses the Bahraini authority`s decision to re-try the twenty-one activists, in Al-Akhbar.